
发表时间:2016-08-24   浏览次数:5329次

拥有42年发展,Ateja占领当地的市场份额和增长广泛出口到亚洲,84多个国家满足国际需求的澳大利亚,欧洲,美国,非洲。作为我们的承诺和奉献给我们的客户证明,我们一直在努力成为地区第一家被授予各种国际认证,如ISO 9001,ISO/ TS 16949、ISO 14001和oeko-tex.客户的满意也支持我们的最新技术投资。企业资源计划(ERP)系统的实施,以更好地响应客户的需求提供准确的信息交货交货时间和提高客户服务。Ateja一直致力于优质面料制造的全过程,与在纺织设备领先的世界级的供应商日本TB川岛有限公司技术合作。


For 42 years, Ateja dominate the local marketshare and grow extensively to meet international demand by exporting to morethan 84 countries in Asia, Australia, Europe, America, and Africa.As a proof ofour commitment and dedication to our customers, we always strive to be thefirst company in the region to be awarded with various internationalcertifications such as ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001 and Oeko-Tex.Thecustomer's satisfaction is also supported by our latest technology invested.TheEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is implemented to better respondto our customer’s needs by providing accurate information on delivery lead-timeand enhance customer service.Ateja has dedicated to the entire process of finequality fabrics manufacturing, as proven with technical collaboration with TBKawashima Co., Ltd, one of the leading textile manufactures in Japan.